Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Visited Sites

Google on Backlinking : My understanding

  1. Interact and contribute on forums and blogs. Just keep in mind to contribute in a positive way, rather than spamming or soliciting for your site. 
  2. Think of issues or problems your users might encounter
  3. Publish a short tutorial or a video providing a solution, or a practical tool. 
  4. Humor can be another way to gain both great links and get people to talk about your site. With BuzzSumo  and other social media services constantly growing, entertaining content is being shared now more than ever. 
  5. Directory entries are often mentioned as another way to promote young sites in the Google index.
  6. take a look at similar sites in other markets and identify the elements of those sites that might work well for yours, too. However, it's important not to just copy success stories but to adapt them, so that they provide unique value for your visitors.
  7. Offering bookmarking services

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Kern to be done

How To Get Anyone To Do What You Want

How To Get Anyone To Do What You Want
Let me tell you a story.
About two years ago (give or take) a couple of guys contacted me asking me to be in a documentary movie they were making about Internet Marketing.
They were cool enough guys and all, but I said no.
The reason I refused is because I just don’t want that much recognition. I don’t want to be rich and famous. Just rich. Besides, you can end up looking pretty stupid in a documentary that you don’t have editorial control over. And I do a good enough job of looking stupid on my own, thank you very much. Don’t need any help there.
…So I passed on the offer.
A few months go by and I discover that these guys have gotten just about everyone in the Internet Marketing Scene to be in the movie. …Queue the peer pressure.
So now they enlist my friends to put the pressure on me. They used all kinds of persuasive techniques ranging from, “Dude, you gotta be in this movie.”
…To, “Frank Kern – quit being a hermit and get in the damn movie.” ”
And finally, “What the hell is wrong with you?? Get in the damn movie already!!”
But still I held my ground. Peer pressure be damned!
Don’t wanna be in a movie. Not my thing. Too weirded out. Thanks anyway.
So time goes by and I get to be friends with the guys making the movie. They quit asking me about it and I sort of forget all about it.
They came to my birthday party and brought home made beer. Strong home made beer. Well played. Then I see one of them again at Andy Jenkins’ wedding. (I was the guy who performed the wedding ceremony, by the way. Awesome.) We shoot the shit about random stuff and a good time is had by all.
But no mention of the movie. It looked like I had gotten away scott free!
But Then They Used The Most Devastating
Persuasion Technique Known To Man!
About a week ago, I’m checking my email and I see this:
So I download the file to see what they send, and here’s what it was (you gotta press “play” to start it):
Damn These People!
Now I pretty much HAVE to do the movie. If I didn’t, I’d be a real asshole, you know?
I mean …who can say no after such an exhibit of total coolness? Not only have these guys been super-cool to me for the past two years or so, now they’ve taken the time to create this montage video above.
Never once nagging me or hassling me …just being super nice until I “cracked”. Now I’m happy to help them and I’m proud to be in their movie. In fact, I feel kinda like a tool for refusing in the first place.
The fact is, they got me. They “killed me with kindness”, so to speak.
And you wanna know something?
This Tactic Will Work In Any Situation!
Like …oh, I don’t know … maybe your business.
You should never underestimate the power of being totally cool to people and doing good things for others. I’m not talking about being manipulative and lame. I’m talking about just being a genuinely nice person who actually gives a damn.
Goes a long way.
Picture this:
You’ve got a guy who subscribes to your “Cat Juggling” list. He wants info on how to get started in the exciting career of Cat Juggling. (The prestige!) So you send him a few videos about Cat Jugging and he digs them.
He still doesn’t buy your stuff, but he’s stoked you gave him the free videos.
Then you send him a pdf outlining a great step-by-step blueprint for really making it big in the exciting world of cat juggling.
Once again, he’s stoked. Loves it. Thinks you’re awesome.
You keep this up for another six months. All the way up until Christmas.
The guy gets his Christmas bonus check and the first thing he does is run home to your site and buys your Super Deluxe Triple Diamond Level Cat Juggling Bootcamp-In-A-Box!
It’s the most expensive thing you sell, and here’s this guy who joined your list AGES ago …happily forking over full price for it.
Because you were consistently cool to him. You were actually nice. You actually helped the guy out. A LOT.
Here’s the deal:
People Remember This Kind Of Stuff
And when you’re cool to them …repeatedly …they will buy from you.
Think about it. Even if you’re the baddest of all marketing badasses, only around 10% (at most!) of the people who come into your funnel are going to buy from you right off the bat.
They might not have the money right now, it might not be the right time, they might not believe your claims of cat juggling heroics, whatever. We both know that the vast majority of people who come into your sales funnel do not buy right up front.
Them’s the facts.
But 90% of our efforts are often focused entirely on that tiny little segment of people who are going to buy immediately.
…And we ignore the overwhelming majority of people who have come to our site, demonstrated that they’re interested our stuff, and haven’t bought yet.
Do that and you’re leaving 90% of your money on the table.
Here’s What To Do Next
Make it a point to perform random acts of coolness both in your community …and by giving cool stuff away to your list.
Do this every week for the rest of the summer.
For example, write a blog post every week or so outlining how to solve a problem your market is facing.
A few months back, I was doing a phone consult with a guy and he asked me how to find a product to sell. I figured that if he was having a problem finding something to sell, others probably were too …so I made this video blog post to help out:
People dug it and bought stuff from me as a result. In fact, one guy bought List Control FIVE MONTHS later …and he told me that video was what made him want to learn from me when the time was right.
Hell, you don’t even have to make your own videos. Just find newsworthy information that will help your community and give it to them.
I did that very same thing a few months back and I got tons of extra sales from it. All I did was find a cool video showing how you can use Google now to get cheap ads for your site on TV …and then I put that video on my blog and told people about it.
I put a little link to List Control at the bottom and got something like $80,000.00 in sales as a result. And even the people who didn’t buy from that little link at the bottom will still remember that I helped them.
Your readers and subscribers are no different.
Oh – don’t want to make videos? Don’t have a blog? Try podcasting. Make a weekly podcast that has actual good information in it and you’ll reap the rewards.
In fact, the word “reap” is fitting.
All I’m really advising you to do is to constantly sow the seeds of coolness in your community and with your prospects and you will reap the rewards, guaranteed.
It’s really one of the oldest success formulas known to man.
And Now To Practice What I Preach!
I just finished a 20 page report and you can get it here, FREE:
It’s all about how you can double your income this summer using three easy steps I outline for you in detail.
AND – there’s an extra surprise when you opt in to get the report :-)
I plan on publishing these reports regularly over the summer as part of a series …so let me know if you like it.
Talk soon,

Kern magic

The Two Magic Powers

The Two Magic Powers
Occasionally, the unthinkable occurs.
I run out of the trash-fiction that I like to read – and as a last resort, I pick up “emergency reading material” like Oprah Magazine. (My wife gets it. Not me! I swear! I only read manly stuff like “Liquor Soaked Brawler’s Digest”.)
And usually, like I do with all magazines, I just like to read the ads.
I was about 78 pages into it when, for some reason, I started reading an actual article about successful women.
And that’s when an amazing lady jumped out of the page at me.
Her name is Madam C.J. Walker and here she is:
And let me tell you, this lady could have …
Kicked All Of Our Asses …Combined!
Here’s why:
First, the article in Oprah didn’t say much about her except that she became extremely successful selling hair products door-to-door.
All I can really remember is it had her picture and then it mentioned her success.
Now, being a former door-to-door man myself, I decided to check her out.
Here’s what I found:
First, she was born in Louisiana.
On a farm.
In 1865.
Not really an ideal time and place to be born if you’re:
  1. A woman.
  2. African American.
But she had plenty of additional challenges to face.
She was an orphan at age seven.
At age 14, she got married …reportedly to escape the abuse that she was suffering at the hands of her brother-in-law.
She became a mother at age 17, and a widow at age 20.
She supported herself and her daughter by picking cotton on a farm, by being a laundress, and by working in a barber shop. From what I can tell, the most she ever made during that time was $1.50 a day.
But It Got Worse
At around 25 years old, she began to develop a a condition that caused her to start balding.
Can you imagine? As if she didn’t have enough to deal with …now the poor lady’s hair is falling out.
(And we whine when our cell phone drops a call every now and then… kind of embarrassing.)
Anyway …
Here’s Where It Gets Good
It shouldn’t surprise you that she quickly became a student of “how to fix this damned balding problem”.
In fact, she researched all kinds of treatments, and eventually discovered that sulfur could abolish the scalp disease that was causing people to lose their hair.
(Apparently, people lost their hair a lot back then because they didn’t bathe as much. They would get some nasty scalp infection and their hair would fall out. But if you treated the problem with sulfur, you could knock it out.)
So she did the only logical thing to do, which was to start her own business …selling a product called “Madam Walker’s Wonderful Hair Grower”.
Keep in mind, she was just starting out and didn’t have a big budget (probably NO budget at all) so she had no choice but to …
Go Out, Grab The World By The Balls, And Bend It To Her Will!
And the first thing she did was to go door to door, selling her product.
Listen – nobody really embraces a door to door sales person with open arms these days, you know?
But imagine what it must have been like for Madam Walker in the racist and male dominated environment she was working in back then.
…That took some cojones.
How many times do you think she was rejected?
How many doors do you think were slammed in her face?
How many insults did she hear?
I’m willing to bet she even was threatened …regularly.
But did that stop her?
Hell No!
Not only did she survive …she thrived.
Mrs Walker hung in there and sold more products, developed new ones, and finally opened up a factory in Indianapolis.
By 1913, she was traveling around the world training other women to sell her products.
…And by the time she died in 1919 at age 51, she had become
The World’s First Female Self-Made Millionare!
Against incredible odds, wouldn’t you say?
Man – what a story.
Did I mention that her parents were former slaves? I don’t think I did.
So her story is amazing, and I think her success is largely due to one critical characteristic:
The Amazing Ability To Get Off Of One’s Ass And Get To WORK.
Seems we have a lack of that ability these days.
Think about it.
The real secret to success is to get out there and work like hell.
And when we think about Madam C.J. Walker, it’s painfully obvious that …
We Have Absolutely NO Excuse For Failure
Actually – let me rephrase that.
In the beginning, failure is pretty much inevitable.
A first-time home run is about as rare as an honest politician.
Hell, I’ve been at this game for about 4,000 consecutive days. All day, every day – and almost everything I start takes a few tweaks before it works.
And some projects don’t work at all.  Such is life.
So yeah, failure is OK.
But here’s the thing,
You Have To Get Up, Brush Yourself Off, And Get Back In The Game
That is the magic power of the successful entrepreneur.
Actually, there are really only two magic powers that I’ve seen – and these are present in every successful person I’ve met, worked with/for, or studied.
Here they are:
Magic Power #1: The ability to get started.
Holy crap, this is a big one.
I just got back from two straight weekends of speaking and the biggest thing I saw plaguing the people who were struggling was the inability to get started. This really interested me so I tried to discover the hold ups.
People were stuck on trying to figure out what web host to use, what microphone to use, what email provider, and so forth.
And look – I’ve been there, and I was broke when I was there – so I can relate.
But here’s the deal.
Most of the time all the research, the preparation, the making sure everything is “perfect” …most of the time that’s secret code for
“I’m Scared!”
Scared it’s not gonna work.
Scared you’re gonna look stupid.
Scared you might lose some money.
Scared you’ll be judged
So let me help you out here and tell you right up front that …
All That Bad Stuff Is Almost GUARANTEED To Happen!
Your very first site is probably gonna look kinda terrible. (Mine still have that “made in 1998″ look).
Your first sales letter is probably gonna need tweaking.
Google will probably “slap” your first ad campaign. And if they don’t, you’ll probably spend and “lose” a few bucks getting enough traffic to test your offer before you start making sales and profits.
Your square friends will almost certainly judge you and talk behind your back about what a fool you are for trying to make money on the Internet. At least one of them will believe you’ve fallen for a get-rich-quick scheme.
And since you’ll be putting yourself out there in the interwebz for the whole world to see …you’re probably going to look stupid to someone. (And if you don’t, you’re doing it wrong.)
So …that’s the way it is.
And since you know it’s all definitely going to happen (barring some miracle), you can finally stop worrying about it and just get it all out of the way!
Better to go on ahead and power through it, you know? Hurry up so you can get to the good stuff. Like cramming down the vegetables when you were a kid so you could finally get dessert. (I still do this).
And once you do …you can practice
Magic Power #2: The Ability To Step Back Into The Ring
Business is like boxing in the sense that you will, without question, get knocked around a little.
Know what I mean?
And do you think there’s ever a conversation where a dude wants to become a boxer and this happens?
Dude: “Coach? Can I talk to you a minute?”
Coach: “Sure, son. What’s on your mind.”
Dude: “Well, I think I want to be a boxer.”
Coach: “That’s great. We can start training on Monday.”
Dude: “OK. But …Coach?”
Coach: “Yeah?”
Dude: “Do you think I’ll ever get …you know …hit? Like, do you think anyone is gonna …you know, punch me?”
I know, I know …never happens. In BOXING.
But it damn sure happens in business.
People get started (which is a huge feat in and of itself) and then just getfloored by the first setback.
It takes them by complete surprise and it makes them want to quit.
I suppose it’s natural.
But what’s not natural …and what really breeds success …is that ability to brush yourself off and start over.
Just like the champion boxer, you gotta get up and step back into the ring. If you do that enough times, you’ll be tough as a pit bull and you’ll start winning.
And it doesn’t take too many wins before it all starts to add up.
But man, if you don’t get back in there and take another shot …you’ll never win.
And listen: EVERYBODY I know who’s achieved lasting success has, often on more than one occasion, gotten the shit kicked out of them in business. Many have lost everything before they finally “made it”.
Damn sure happened to me, I can tell you that.
Here are some of the businesses I’ve effortlessly run straight into the ground (it’s a talent.):
1. Used Car Lot (the prestige!)
2. Underground Dog Fencing (don’t ask)
3. Roofing Contractor and Commercial Repair (even more prestige!)
4. Merchant Bank Card Processing (failed attempt at “legitimate” business)
…And of course, this is before I got online.
Once I got online, I was able to have my most spectacular failure to date …the dreaded Instant Internet Empires, which got the attention of the FTC and ultimately earned me a nice lawsuit which cost me everything I had.
Literally. Everything.
And you know what? All those failures SUCKED. They were embarrassing. And sometimes scary.
…Getting back up and stepping into the ring again was hard.
But worth it.
And if an orphaned daughter of former slaves can work her way up through the racist hardship of the economically depressed deep south …and become the world’s first self-made female millionaire …then what possible excuse do WE have?
Do you think it was easy for this lady to just walk outside and start going door to door? Hell no!
Do you think it was easy for her to keep going after hearing insults and rejections every day? Of course not.
But she did it anyway. Because that’s what it takes sometimes.
Now get out there and take what’s yours.
- Frank Kern

Copy example by Kern

You: The Best Guru EVER

You: The Best Guru EVER
A few weeks ago, I was on the porch knocking back a Modelo Especialworking and I noticed one of my friends walking up to the front door.
So I eased on down the steps, let him in, and invited him to up to the porch to take in the scenery with me.
He readily agreed so I grabbed us both a couple of Mexico’s finest beers and we took our seats.
But something was wrong. My (normally laid back) buddy was all weirded out.
“Poor bastard’s probably suffering from a beer deficiency”, I thought as I went to grab us a few more.
They didn’t do the trick so I finally asked him what was wrong.
Turned out he’d been disappointed with a recent “Guru” experience.  I’m not talking about spiritual guru stuff here …I mean “get-your-shit-together-in-business” stuff.
That type of Guru.
No, there’s no drama to report …nobody felt ripped off or hosed or anything. It’s just that the relationship didn’t work out as planned and my buddy was bummed.
“I really thought this was the guy who would take me where I want to go”, he said.
And There You Have It …The Root Of The Problem Revealed
See …here’s the deal (and this is what I tried to explain to my friend without sounding all high and mighty):
YOU are the only person who can take you where you want to go. There is no Guru, teacher, mentor, author, speaker, shaman, or whatever who can or will do that for you.
Sure, they can show you cool stuff. They can show you what worked for them, they can give you encouragement and motivation …and they can help you keep your head on straight when the going gets weird.
But in the immortal words of Hunter S. Thompson,
“When The Going Gets Weird, The Weird Turn Pro”
And what that means in the context of this little rant is simple:
They won’t. Hell, they can’t! Not even if they want to. Only YOU can.
So whenever you’re considering buying advice, coaching, mentoring, seminar tickets, or whatever – understand this:
…Unless you’re bull-headed enough to immediately put what you learn into action. (And then get right back to work when your first attempts inevitably present some challenges).
And if you’re waiting until you get some big amazing revelation before you actually do something, you’re going to be waiting a long time. There ain’t one.
Well, that’s not entirely true. There is one …but it’s just kind of anti climatic. Here it is:
Some Stuff Works, Some Doesn’t.
And the stuff that’s worked for lots of other people will probably work for you too …if you put in the effort.
See …that’s the key word there.
Let’s juice it up and add the word “educated” to it.
Now we have “educated effort”. And that’s a hell of a thing.
See, with “educated effort”, you can do anything you want.
Add in a little “determination” and you’re damn near unstoppable.
Then throw in a little bump of what my teacher Dan Kennedy calls “stick-to-it-iveness” and you WILL get to where you want to go.
Let’s take a look at the last part of that sentence.
YOU. Will. Get. To. Where. YOU. Want. To. Go.
We didn’t say “[INSERT GURU HERE] will get you where you want to go”, did we?
All a Guru can give you is education.
But the fact remains that’s only 25% of what you need.
You still need throw in 25% effort, 25% determination, and 25% sticktoitiveness.
…And that’s the 75% that YOU and ONLY YOU can provide!
So that’s why
YOU are really the only Guru who can EVER get you to where you want to go!
Hell, how much education do you need, anyway?
Imagine a guy wanting to lose weight (ahem). How many books does he need to buy? For the love of God, it’s easy! Put the fork down and walk around for a few hours a day.
Do that for a month or so and you’ll weigh less. (Duh!)
That’s been the winning formula forever, right?
But There’s A Gazillion Dollar Industry
Delivering “New” Weight Loss Stuff Every Day!
There’s a new diet book every 20 minutes or so it seems.
And the books aren’t the problem. I’m sure they all work if the reader takes the education they just got, adds in a lot of effort, determination, and sticktoitiveness.
But that clearly doesn’t happen. People just keep buying books and gizmos that go unused. Same thing happens in the marketing world. We buy courses and seminars and then jump to the next one …without implementing any of the stuff we just learned.
Because The Short-Term Pain Of Effort Is Often Perceived
To Be Worse Than The Long-Term Pain Of Failure
There it is. The ugly truth.
It’s hard to get out there …try …work like hell … probably hit a few road blocks …and then keep busting ass until you succeed.
It’s a LOT harder (and less fun) than buying the latest “shiny object” and enjoying that temporary mental “high” that comes from the false sense of productivity you get from making the purchase.
But the fact is, the ONLY way you’ll get anywhere is to realize that YOU ARE THE GURU and that ONLY YOU can make it happen.
So if you keep on buying advice without putting forth determined and consistent effort to implement what you’ve learned, you will NOT succeed.
But if you’re willing to endure the short-term discomfort that stems from stepping outside your comfort zone and actually working like crazy for a while, you’ll get to where you want to go.
All the “Gurus” can do for you is give you the car, so to speak. It’s still up to you to get gas and actually drive it.
My Challenge To You
1. Don’t buy any advice this month. Go back and re-read whatever you’ve bought in the past. It’s still good.
2. Turn off the damn computer and write down all the good stuff you learn. On a legal pad. (OLD SCHOOL!).
3. Review those notes and write down every possible action you could take to start making money immediately. Do whatever actions jump out at you. Don’t over think this. Just do it. Life is short.
4. Write a new offer for your products. You’ve probably bought a ton of stuff on writing offers and copy …so dig it out of the closet and put it to use. Nothing happens until something gets sold. So start selling (and quit buying).
5. Take the money you would have spent on whatever new marketing product you were thinking about buying this month (but didn’t) and use that money to drive traffic to your offer.
That’s right! Invest in business instead of buying more stuff about business. Revolutionary concept!
6. Measure the results of your activity (note the word ACTIVITY!) and tweak accordingly.
7. Repeat 1-6.
Oh – and if you’ve ever looked for a magic formula, that’s pretty much it.
I know because I’ve been at this now for 11 years and I’ve tried everything.
It’s simple:
1. See what worked for other people.
2. Try it for yourself.
3. Adjust according to results.
4. Repeat.
Now Let’s Kick Some Ass
We’re heading into the 4th quarter and ’tis the season to SELL THE HELL OUT OF YOUR STUFF.
This is the time of year when people love to buy things more than ever …and that means your odds of success are even greater!
So get to work and let me know how you’re doing with my challenge. Leave me updates in the comments below.

Copy example by Neil Guru

Dear Friend,
I've set aside some time to talk to you, personally. And during that time, I'll evaluate your business and work with you collaboratively to create an immediately actionable plan to increase your sales and profits.
There is no charge for this and there's no catch. If you enjoy the conversation and get value from it, we can discuss working together long term.
And if you feel I've wasted your time in our conversation, I'll send you a check for $1,400.00 as compensation. Either way, you come out ahead.
Enter your info below for full details.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Guestographic Method from Backlinkco

To have a fighting chance against these massive authority sites, Perrin had two options:
Option #1: He could grind away on his blog, publish on a set schedule, and HOPE he got traffic (“The Publish and Pray Approach”).
Option #2: He could create (and promote) a few pieces of amazing content.
Fortunately for Perrin and his new blog, he pulled the trigger on option #2.

INFOGRAFIc  more share and success