Monday, November 23, 2015

Blogging protects clothings

Nearline Price

Pricing examples

Simple pricing example

In this example, we show a simple scenario that might apply if you are just getting started with Google Cloud Storage. We use a monthly billing period to simplify the calculations.
Suppose you have the following storage usage pattern in a given month:
  • 50 GB of standard data storage, from the first day to the end of the billing month.
  • 10 GB of network egress (Americas and EMEA). (Ingress is free.)
  • 10,000 total PUT/POST, GET bucket (list), GET service requests, Class A operations.
  • 10,000 total GET object and HEAD requests, Class B operations.
Your bill for the month would be calculated as follows:
  • 50 GB standard storage at $0.026/per GB: $1.30
  • 10 GB of network egress at $0.12/per GB: $1.20
  • 10,000 Class A operations at $0.01/per 1,000 operations: $0.10
  • 10,000 Class B operations at $0.01/per 10,000 operations: $0.01

Total for Simple Pricing Example: $2.61

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


  1.  Author’s reputation
  2. Adding keywords to meta tags
  3. Stuffing keywords in your image alt text
  4. Using Schema markup
  5.  Implementing rich snippets
  6. Mentioning keywords several times in your content
  7. Choosing a dedicated IP address

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Visited Sites

Google on Backlinking : My understanding

  1. Interact and contribute on forums and blogs. Just keep in mind to contribute in a positive way, rather than spamming or soliciting for your site. 
  2. Think of issues or problems your users might encounter
  3. Publish a short tutorial or a video providing a solution, or a practical tool. 
  4. Humor can be another way to gain both great links and get people to talk about your site. With BuzzSumo  and other social media services constantly growing, entertaining content is being shared now more than ever. 
  5. Directory entries are often mentioned as another way to promote young sites in the Google index.
  6. take a look at similar sites in other markets and identify the elements of those sites that might work well for yours, too. However, it's important not to just copy success stories but to adapt them, so that they provide unique value for your visitors.
  7. Offering bookmarking services