Monday, November 23, 2015

Blogging protects clothings

Nearline Price

Pricing examples

Simple pricing example

In this example, we show a simple scenario that might apply if you are just getting started with Google Cloud Storage. We use a monthly billing period to simplify the calculations.
Suppose you have the following storage usage pattern in a given month:
  • 50 GB of standard data storage, from the first day to the end of the billing month.
  • 10 GB of network egress (Americas and EMEA). (Ingress is free.)
  • 10,000 total PUT/POST, GET bucket (list), GET service requests, Class A operations.
  • 10,000 total GET object and HEAD requests, Class B operations.
Your bill for the month would be calculated as follows:
  • 50 GB standard storage at $0.026/per GB: $1.30
  • 10 GB of network egress at $0.12/per GB: $1.20
  • 10,000 Class A operations at $0.01/per 1,000 operations: $0.10
  • 10,000 Class B operations at $0.01/per 10,000 operations: $0.01

Total for Simple Pricing Example: $2.61